Your online business requires many tools to multifold your online earnings.
Whether you have an existing business or trying to start a highly profitable online business, you can’t ignore these powerful tools.
Well, I can’t cancel my “Top 5 Paid Subscriptions” that help me to scale my business for sure and save a lot of time for which, I may need an entire team.
You will find many powerful tools, tips, and strategies in this post to scale and grow your business form scratch.
Don’t miss any part of this post. It will take hardly 5 to 10 mins.
Top 5 Paid Subscriptions I’ll Never Cancel:
Let’s evaluate the Top 5 Paid Subscriptions I’ll Never Cancel to save money in my online or offline business.
1. Sendinblue — Best Marketing Automation platform.
You have a business that gives you money to pay bills, loyal customers, and a brand value you can bank on.
You can’t leave to destiny.
SendinBlue is the best FREE* platform for email marketing, landing page creation, SMS marketing, chat button, and paid ads automation.
I use it to send emails to my subscribed users about the best offers, my new strategies, posts, gift, and anything valuable.
Even, I use it for generating new leads for my business.
👉 Try it for FREE — Signup and send 9000 emails every month for free.
You can upgrade if you want too whenever you like. 9000 emails everything is free for everyone as long as you want.*
I would love to hear your opinion as well on this tool. I believe, my decision to keep it active is really important.
2. — A great way to find new clients/businesses.
As an online business owner, you try every box of opportunities to keep your business on track.
We can’t really on one source of income or leads.

You can also make money online with freelancing websites. I have already shared a detailed article about freelancing previously.
Quitting this can put me someday in a very tough situation. At least, It makes me $500 to $5000 on my hard days to cover some expenses.
Well, you are lucky.
Trust me, I am not. I have spent hours, weeks, and days building a profitable online business and even investing hours to write something on a new Medium account where I get nothing.
But, I know… It will help me to grow my website traffic, build trust, and make a great profit someday by helping brands to spread awareness about their products or services.
3. ClickMagick
TrueTracking® helps you optimize your ads and sales funnel based on your actual results, providing the most accurate, GDPR-compliant, and cost-effective solution available.
Let me explain.

ClickMagick basically creates a highly trackable link for any link (Landing page or affiliate link) to get in-depth analytics about the users coming to your desired page, affiliate site, or making any purchase.
- You can track the “keywords” of your Google or any search ads that finally generated a sale for you.
- Identifies and differentiates the traffic sources.
- Instantly counts on conversions, unlike the default tool that’s built-in in the Google and FB ads to track conversions.
- Insightful data gives you the exact data that you require to optimize your paid ads campaigns.
- Saves money that could be wasted on PPC Ads.
👉 Try 14 days of free ClickMagick Trial.
ClickMagick is used by 122,000 users worldwide to optimize their ads and scale their businesses.
4. Hostinger And Other Hosting Plans:
This is the first and most important paid plan among the “Top 5 Paid Subscriptions” which can ruin my business and put me huge loss.
Let me tell you why?
I created a blog where I often publish great articles for my readers along with Medium posts and it also makes me some money from ads shown on my blog.

For any website or blog, you need a domain and hosting (server), which you can buy from Top Hosting Companies like Hostinger, where I host my website.
👉 Domain And Hosting For $2.5/ Month Only. (Normally $9/m)
I use to buy new domains ( or similar) and hosting (Server) for my websites and I can’t miss keeping the subscription active.
I can only advice which works for me, rest is your hard-work, implementation and passion to succeed.
Even if you are a beginner or experienced. There are always some great tips and resources to help you earn online.
5. SocialPilot
It’s not easy to run your entire online business to excel. I always find myself in a shortage of time to create and publish content on various platforms that value a lot in today’s time.
It’s quite quick for your followers to forget your business and even social media sites give you very fewer organic reach (Free Traffic or views) if you don’t publish on daily basis.

As you can see, this Social Media Automation tool helps me to schedule my posts in advance as well as it keeps posting from the blog to my social media pages automatically.
- It helps me schedule my posts.
- Automatically posts from my website content to my Facebook page, groups, and other social accounts.
- Saves time and suggests trending posts in your niche.
- Drive free social traffic and new leads for your business on autopilot.
- Social inbox and Facebook ads.

Easily schedule and publish posts on all major social media platforms including Facebook Groups, Pinterest Boards, TikTok, Google Business Pages, and more from one place.
👉 Try a 14-day free trial — You can cancel anytime.
This is a pro tool that can really save the work or 1 or more virtual assistants that you may need to manage your accounts.
Do you think that any of these tools could be helpful for you too?
I would love to hear from you.
Great! It’s time to share some bonus tips.
Bonus Tips:
Money can’t be grown on trees and neither you can make you have traditional thinking.
- Reading this post will surely keep you ahead.
- Tools save time as well expose your business to the largest audience possible.
- Paid tools are more effective than paid PPC ads on Facebook and Google.
- Web stories can grow your website (Blog) traffic in the shortest time possible.
- Must read my #6 Digital Marketing Hacks For Small Business. The link is shared below.
There are many great ways to make money online. You can find my #10 best ways to make money from home in the below-given post.
The Takeaway For You:
Until you don’t start a business, no matter how skilled you are, it’s a myth that you will make millions.
I can’t cancel my “Top 5 Paid Subscriptions” because I need them to scale my business and for doing great things in my community.
If you hesitate to invest, success can’t be quick as well as effective. Nothing comes in this world for free and your time has a price.
Well, love helping businesses to grow. If you need any help or want to learn great things together, please visit my website.
It’s time to take leave- Mani Pathak.
Please don’t hesitate to share your opinion and #follow for more great articles coming soon.
Thanks for your valuable time.