How I Got 180k organic traffic from Google in just 3 months (FREE)

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Even if you are starting on your WordPress blog, you can also replicate and generate the same results.

Let’s cut the crap!

Here is the screenshot of the traffic I generated on this 3-month-old blog.

Please don’t ignore any part of this post or you may miss out on many things.

Now, you can trust me.

This is real free, organic traffic from Google on my newly created blog during the first three months of launch.

Yes, 180K organic traffic is not that bad, right??

It’s possible and I will share how. Just stick with this post for the next 5 minutes and you will learn something secret that still works.

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10K to 50K free traffic. But How?

As you can find in the above Google search console screenshot, Google discovers features are enabled for this domain.

Free organic traffic from Google:

But, how can you enable the same for your blog/website?

Well, that will be revealed in a bit, but before that, you have to know a few things to succeed.


  • This is possible only with a WordPress blog or any kind of website.
  • Consistency is really important- post daily.
  • AMP (accelerated mobile pages) has to be enabled.
  • Your website must be hosted on an efficient web-hosting to balance the traffic coming to your blog.
  • Select a good and trendy name for your blog.

How To Create A Blog (Free Beginners Guide)

This post can help you build a great blog website without spending more than $35 on a very reliable and efficient web hosting server.

You can also set up your website today coz the “Hostinger Black Friday” hosting sale is on and you can save up to 80% on new hosting orders.

Not just that. You get a free .com domain for your blog at Hostinger.

Anyway, Let’s stick to the topic.

Hopefully, you have built a great blog website on WordPress and are ready to drive huge organic traffic from Google that can ultimately help you earn decent money online.

How to increase blog traffic fast?

Now, you know the basics and that is important. If you have skipped the above parts, you will end up missing key things.

Let’s increase the traffic for free.

Source:, Free Traffic Generator.

Awesome! Follow these steps:

  1. Post content regularly.
  2. Set up Google Analytics and AMP properly.
  3. Install the Google Web Stories plugin on your blog.
  4. Create good web stories along with the posts daily.
  5. Submit stories sitemap in the Google search console.
  6. Soon Google discovers features will be enabled.
  7. Keep writing at least 1500 to 2000 words of articles.

Boom!! You learned the hard secret.

If you follow this simple strategy, you will start getting free traffic from the very first week to make money with Google Adsense or by promoting affiliate offers.


Google web stories are the secret to my massive traffic from the first month and you can also make it possible.

Hubspot shared a post “Everything You Need To Know About Google Web Stories” which can help you go viral in a few days.

Don’t worry. I can also help you if you need to. Just follow me at medium (Mani Pathak) and ask your queries at

It’s that easy.

Mani Pathak
Mani Pathak

Mani is a seasoned SEO Expert, Web Developer, and Freelancer with 5+ years of experience. He has worked with 20+ publications and 200+ clients, delivering exceptional results. With his expertise in optimizing websites and crafting effective digital strategies, Mani can elevate your online presence and drive organic traffic to your site. Trust his skills to take your business to the next level.

Articles: 43

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